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Bearing the most iconic cigar band in the world is one of the cigars that made Montecristo a legend. The Montecristo Classic boasts the highest-grade Connecticut Shade wrapper combined with the finest Dominican binder and filler to create a masterpiece of a cigar. The result is an unforgettable smoking experience truly worthy of its name.
Given the combination of finest wrapper, binder, and filler, and this one of a kind blend, the Montecristo Classic stands out as a complex and flavorful smoke on the smoother side with bountiful taste notes and an easy draw.
Given the combination of finest wrapper, binder, and filler, and this one of a kind blend, the Montecristo Classic stands out as a complex and flavorful smoke on the smoother side with bountiful taste notes and an easy draw.
Size | 52 x 6 |
Filler | Dominican |
Strength | Mild to Medium |
Brand | Altadis USA Inc Montecristo Classic Collection |
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