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Montecristo is one of the best-selling cigars in the world today. Originating in Cuba, Montecristo now hails from the Dominican Republic.
Montecristo cigars are truly hand rolled to perfection, and considered to be one of the best constructed cigars on the market to date, and the Montecristo Monte is no exception.
"Modern classic” is what comes to mind when you first lay eyes on this beauty, and that's what you'll get with this very flavorful new Monte, a bolder blend of the renowned Montecristo brand.
MONTE is a cigar with a wealth of complexity and depth. The MONTE’s signature feature is the use of two binders, a spicy Dominican Olor combined with a strong and aromatic Nicaraguan Corojo which adds strength, firmness and complexity. Add to that some perfectly aged Dominican filler tobaccos, and you’ve got yourself a refined overnight sensation.
Rated 91 by Cigar Snob in 2013 (September/October)
Montecristo cigars are truly hand rolled to perfection, and considered to be one of the best constructed cigars on the market to date, and the Montecristo Monte is no exception.
"Modern classic” is what comes to mind when you first lay eyes on this beauty, and that's what you'll get with this very flavorful new Monte, a bolder blend of the renowned Montecristo brand.
MONTE is a cigar with a wealth of complexity and depth. The MONTE’s signature feature is the use of two binders, a spicy Dominican Olor combined with a strong and aromatic Nicaraguan Corojo which adds strength, firmness and complexity. Add to that some perfectly aged Dominican filler tobaccos, and you’ve got yourself a refined overnight sensation.
Rated 91 by Cigar Snob in 2013 (September/October)
Size | 52 x 6 |
Filler | Aged Dominican Tobaccos |
Brand | Altadis USA Inc Monte By Montecristo |
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